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Slayer mentality

Mentality of Doomguy.

You don't fight your demons, you hunt them.

Anger issues and aggresivnes as well as being calm are your main traits. Gore and brutality don't bother you. You found something that fulfills your life and purpose on Earth and you enjoy it with passion.

You act, talk and walk like the only ting they fear is you.

dude's got such slayer mentality like how mad is he?

by user3312122021 May 18, 2022

Mentally Molest

To put an NSFW image in someone's head when they don't want to think of that image.

Jason: Yo Joe! I heard Jenna fucked her sister!
Joe: Ew! Gross!
Jason: They had a threesome later with Lily!
Joe: Oh my god, please stop! You are mentally molesting me!

by TheRealMilkAndCerealYT September 12, 2020


A particular attitude or way of thinking, especially one that you think is wrong or stupid.

a get-rich-quick mentality


I can't understand the mentality of people who hurt animals.

He buys everything on credit - he has this play now, pay later mentality.

by 请关注公众号:英文口语专家 June 5, 2019


When something is so mad that you have to mix the words mental and insanity

"He actually did a backflip off the first floor. Mentality"

by ShitLuckBecameACuck June 13, 2018

erragadda mental hospital

a place where most psychos and sluts go to visit
they will regard it as there home and become more and more mentally corrupted
in that theatre of corruption

bro that schizophrenic child is in the erragadda mental hospital, wompity wompity chicken chompity lol
are you insane? hehhehe

by abchuboden eolgu November 26, 2024

motel mentality

People that move into your house and expect you to perform duties like furnish them towels Soap shampoo and maid service like staying in a motel.

We don't have WIFI ON. When can we expect to get WIFI.
WE are out of towels, soap and shampoo.
Sorry but I don't furnish those things, bayou have " Motel Mentality"

by Rawwar1369 July 9, 2021

mental waterboarding

One of the forms of terrorism used by the smart asses in the everyday office environment (in the form of following up on issues with coworkers who hoped that the particular issue has fallen between chairs).

"Aww crap John just mentally waterboarded us on the missing schedules discussed two months ago."

"Yes I hate this mental waterboarding!"

by captainjayjay June 25, 2020