Source Code

James Turd

A deadly assassin released from the bowels.

An extremely bad smelling piece of excrement. One that may cause harm by its odour. 'Oh my God, someone left a James Turd in the loo!'

by Francesca Di Natale August 9, 2006

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turd roper

the sexual act of one pulling a turd out of the anus like climbimg a rope.

"hey you freaky little bitch i got a turd hanging out of my butt. tug and climb it like a rope,common be a good turd roper."

by josh one November 15, 2007

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Turd Looker

Someone (you know you are a liar if you say you dont) who is always sure to look down into the toilet before they flush their shit down.Probably because humans deep down inside expect the bowl to be completely full one day.

Were just four wild and crazy guys a' turd lookin'.

by the tweaker February 17, 2004

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turd srambler

a being who gyrates the fecal matter of another human being with their genatallia inserted in the anus

Look at that cum eater over there (Steve Thompson) he is a definite turd srambler!

by BENJAMININO February 24, 2008

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sweaty turd

That morning after a heavy night of drinking shit.

Hey Sean after drinking all dat vodka and knocking out a plate of enchilada's you must of dropped a sweaty turd.

by Justin baddass September 23, 2007

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Turd Tapper

Slang for a homosexual, Southern man, residing in Aston PA.

Man... Duke is such a Turd Tapper. He just loves the gooey man chocolate!

by Rodney1 December 19, 2016

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turkey turd

Turkey Turds are the massive gravy poop you take the day after thanksgiving once everything is digested. The remnants of Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, Stuffing, Green Beans, and Beer. Also will include full pieces of corn. Usually consisting of 3 full waves over 15 minutes, the Turkey Turd can take an extreme toll on the body.

Matt "Dude where'd you go? You were gone for like 20 Minutes"

Sam "I just took a massive turkey turd."

by sEaKm November 23, 2012

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