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emily nicol

A girl with a beautiful smile, she’s kind and outgoing. she gets along with everyone she meets! She has a beautiful wholesome soul

Isn’t Emily nicol from tiktok? I love her videos

by brianny October 5, 2020

Emily Leclerc

Has the most beautiful eyes in the world.Often likes to be nice to people and do nice things for but doesnt like it when te do stuff for her.Plain and simple she's perfect and well just amazing:)

Emily Leclerc "YOU FARTED HERE"

by MJR:) December 16, 2010

Emily Vasquez

Emily Vasquez the greatest goth in the fucking world Emily is the kind of Teen Girl who just got off watching Foamy the Squirrel on newgrounds.com while signing a "Bring Back Invader Zim" petition wearing a Jack Skellington hoodie and Happy Tree Friends tube socks purchased from Hot Topic during an Emily the Strange buy one get one 50% off sale where she discovered Serenity Rose from Slave Labor Graphics Comics while her overbearing but loving father restricts her from going to the My Chemical Romance/Limp Bizkit concert with a 5-years-older-than-her boyfriend that constantly IMs unsourced stolen Pon and Zi comic art over a 56k modem America Online trial discs on myspace.com with a Top 8 consisting of Tim Burton, Jack Sparrow, Eminem, Jesus Christ, and whatever angsty band is the hit new thing on Disney Adventures magazine and spends all day filling out "What Kingdom Hearts Character are You?" quizzes only to complain she didn't get Riku and is unable to watch the 2003 MTV Music Awards because her deadbeat older brother is always hogging the living room TV playing Tony Hawk's Underground on his Halo edition transparent green Xbox using a third-party Mad Catz Air Flo controller with a busted analog stick constantly leaning to the right making anti-Semitic remarks about how Eric stole his wicked McTwist over the helicopter in Hawaii footage. you know what I mean those kinds of teen girls.

Emily Vasquez "what's up fuckers"

by randomkitten June 22, 2022

Emily Bather

Emily Bather is a flawless girl who doesn't take anyone's crap, is really funny, amazing, certainly talented, doesn't often trust people and definitely should not be taken for granted. She gets bashful when people complement her, as she thinks she shouldn't be complemented. She is very logical and can see through a liar like you can see through glass. So lie to her and watch out. Emily is very protective of everyone she cares about so don't mess with her. She does NOT talk about people behind their back's despite what some girls say about her. She is really smart and knows a lot more than what some people think. Emily is great at making friends, but she has trust issues as some girls have broken her trust when they started drama, by talking trash about her behind her back, ignoring her for about one school term ( 9-10 weeks ), and spreading rumors about her at a school camp. She is a great at hiding her emotions and is an amazing shoulder to cry on. She doesn't like all things girlish and is a tomboy. She is a crazy and really fun person to be around. She will give the right advice to you and is not afraid to express her opinion and believes that girls can do anything just the same as guys, and stereotypes should not exist. She is a dazzling person and when you get her never let her go.

Person A: Emily I just found out that my guy was cheating me for months for I broke up with him!
Emily Bather: Well you don't need him you are an amazing person who should never be treated like that! I will give him a piece of my mind!
Person A : thanks Em.
Emily Bather : no prob! He was peeing his pants after I spoke to him :)
Person A : :) :) :) Thanks I can always rely on you :)
Emily Bather: Of course you can!

by mzee b February 2, 2021

Emily Ball

A kind and genuine person that is easy to talk to. Is a little shy, but once you get to know her she’s really sweet

My best friends name is Emily ball.

by Maya the jaxobzu July 12, 2021

Emily Fairbanks

The hoest bitch in SCV, sucks in her stomach ALL THE TIME, hangs out with Indian ass and wannabe popular Sheridan.

is that Emily bairfanks?
Yeah, ion fw Emily Fairbanks.

by abakdmdncbns January 3, 2019

Emily Spin

Emily Spin is referring to the trick in Pogostuck: Rage With Your Friends at 85% where you go straight to the right wall instead of the left platform which saves a jump.

Yo dude, I just hit Emily Spin!

by Baby_Pug May 13, 2023