To lag during an F13 game to the point you either Betray others via Car or Gunpoint, or to be kicked from game.
"Did your game Wolfed out?"
To lag so badly during a round of Friday The 13th The Game to the point you betray someone via Gun or Car
"I guess your game wolfed, huh?"
Noun; To lag so badly, you Betray a fellow counselor in F13 The Game
One of the gayest bands ever, right up there with Asia and Air Supply.
Mark: Where are you going to hang your new poster of The Penny Wolf Trio?
Kevin: Why, right next to my posters of Asia and Air Supply, of course.
When You shove a random girls face into the carpet and drag her by her ankles, She will scream in pain curious of who you are. When she turns around, pull your pants down from behind and flash your bum cheeks. You have given her a full moon. Your jobs not finished! In shock the bitch will howl like a wolf. Once you hear this you must bite her pussy to claim your territory.
"Yo Cambell I just gave your girl the wolf rape"
Dam no wonder she wasn't shaved last night
A saber wolf is a lame attempt at being something fierce. Quite often a Saber Wolf is the internet handle of a twenty year old male whom has trouble with his sexuality.
The Saber Wolf that plays Team Fortress Classic secretly loving men.
Saberwolf: I love you Timothy.