The most genuine person you'll ever meet. He'll always maks you laugh and be loyal to you forever. He's also incredibly generous and kind and he'll make a great friend to all.
Friend 1: Dude your such an Avas, I wish more friends could be like you
a leng guy who's bare nice and will never let you down
yo you should really find a friend like an avas
Ava’s are quirky and different because she has maxuim rizz
Person 1: who’s the rizzler?
Smartest person ever: AVA
The coolest person ever and moos astheticly
Person 1Doesn’t Ava moo beautifully
Person 2: Yea ikr
Ava:moos astheticly*
Such an amazing friend, she’s so caring and wonderful. whenever anyone is with her they instantly fall in love with her. She is so hot and cool and is going to be a runway model when she grows up. Like Lily rose depp type shit. She’s such a good swimmer and she’s going to the Olympics even though she barely ever practices,she’s just that good.
Friend: “omg that girl is so hot and cool and such a bad bitch “
Friend 2: “yea her name is probably Ava 🙄”
the most amazing person you will ever meet but NEVER tell her to tie her hair
Ava killed me and is going to a Swedish Prison