Source Code

Booty Bong

During sex, the one partner sucks a fart out of the others anus in the fashion of a bong commonly used for inhaling herbs

Wow, frank sure gave me a good booty bong last night!

by DJC2001 February 3, 2021

bing bong poo

When you shit so hard the whole toilet bowl fills up.

"Bro i just layed a Bing bong poo in there!"

by benas12345678910 January 9, 2021

Nose Bong

term I first herd used by Matt Hoffman a Nose Bone is a term BMS's use when banging the front wheel of their bike into whatever surface they were heading for with not so great results i.e broken/bent wheel or body parts faceing the wrong direction

Whoa!! Dude totaly took a nose bong on that one..

yeah I was on my way down when BAM nose bonged straight into the rail GODAMIT #*@"!!#@"?*#?

by ian November 30, 2004

(mtb) mind the bong

When a bong is in a precarious position and you notice this, then announce it to the squad.

Bong is in a Precarious Position Comrade noticed this
Comrade: "hey guys, (mtb) mind the bong"
Bdiddy and Moisty: "ok mate"
Comrade: "Sound"
Moisty minds the bong (mtb)

by Moisty97 September 30, 2018

tennis bong

a home made bong made from a tennis ball!

hey man check out my tennis bong!!

by Williamhtx April 21, 2017

Bong helmet

When one is high and thinking of outrageous ideas.

“Bro imagine an adult-size infant” “Damn this dudes wearing the bong helmet.”

by Suffolkcountycunt August 20, 2022

upside-down beer bong

Hitting the nitrous tank.

I can't relax with the gas at the dentist's office, I've been hitting the upside-down beer bong for too long to.

by OGcandypants April 30, 2011