some random bitch in my class usually a white chick name. Emma is usually a snobby cunt and a rich brat who has no friends
Ew it's Emma Wilkie
A beautiful person, she may not know it but she gorgeous. She a great friend, and although she might not have a lot of friend the friends she has love her! She a great artist with a great family. She has a great and positive future ahead of her! She is unique and has the best hair. She can be stubborn. She a great friend. Sometime she may go through hard times but I’ll be over soon. She may not believe it but almost everyone loves her. And if they don’t there missing out on an amazing girl.
Friend: Who’s that girl with the curly hair?
Girl: Emma jo, she really cool and great artist.
Friend: is she your friend?
Girl: yes, my best friend!
She is a really friendly girl who cares about you. She is also extremely beautiful and whoever dates her is lucky.
Are you dating Emma Berg? If so, you’re so lucky bro!
Emma Rothwell, a girl who absolutely ADORES all of her friends, super nice, an GORGEOUS! Everyone wants to be with her or be her. She has troubles with getting into relationships though, because guys are to scared to talk to her :)
Nicest girl you will ever meet! An Emma Caitlin is amazing at so many things and she doesn't even know it! The most selfless, caring friend you will ever find She finds the best in people no matter who they are or what they have done. She is characterized by her prominent freckles, beautiful long dirty blonde hair and her beautiful greenish-blue eyes. Her smile will light up your night sky with just a smirk. She has the best sense of humor, that being of sarcasm mixed with very dry humor. Her laugh is the cutest most innocent thing you have ever heard. She is beautiful in every way possible, she is smart and loyal and always truthful She doesn't need anyone but herself to help her on her way. She is wild, fun, and a great friend. She can be stubborn, and won't stop an argument until she has made her point, but she is also forgiving and loyal.
Wowowow emma caitlin is dammmmn thicc, mad thicc
Crashing while cross country skiing, typically while going downhill.
Pulling an Emma in sentence:
Woah, I almost pulled an Emma back there and crashed!