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International day of hating bald rich men

Is the day where everyone in the world send their hate against the bald men.
It's celebrated on the 19th of april.


Oh yeah! Today its the International day of hating bald rich men!

by Vacรฃo April 19, 2022

Why does urban dictionary hate me

Is it because I say oof too much because I really am trying to change my awful ways

Why does urban dictionary hate me

by Lucinda is Lit July 19, 2020

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I actually don't hate you right now

Lance never hated Keith, but sometimes our feelings can get lost in translation when coming from our thoughts to verbal communication.

Lance: ''I actually don't hate you right now...''
Me (a love guru who can see the difference between a rivalry and sexual tension): ''Oh lance, sweetie, you never hated him''

by bitchassrubberneck June 29, 2018

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dont hate me cuz you aint me

A phrase to describe when another has extreme jealousy toward you or another.

Person 1: That's bullshit you got five numbers tonight and I couldn't even get a girl to notice I was alive.

Person 2: Dont hate me cuz you aint me

by Chris Waltham July 31, 2010

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national stop hate on short people day

National Stop Hate On Short People Day is on September 23rd.

haha ur short
no its national stop hate on short people day

by stophateonshortpeople October 8, 2022

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Gawd I hate that woman, she's a disbelieving Jew!

A sentence commonly shouted by delusional old women who were brought up in a "proper" and "pure" world if they hate a particular woman for being a disbelieving Jew. It is commonly believed that in the 1930s and into the early 1940s, the words 'Gawd I hate that woman, she's a disbelieving Jew!' were commonly uttered as an interjection of surprise...

"So Nana, what is your opinion on Britney Spears and the media attention she is getting in the aftermath of her custody battle?"
"Gawd I hate that woman, she's a disbelieving Jew!"

by Adam, Associate of Ross April 1, 2008

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Don't you just hate that? 738 annoying things

Funny and truthful book by Scott Cohen (An Everyday guy, Not a Famous Author) is a collection of those everyday little annoyances that we face in life (738 of them!). This book will definitly make you say "That's so true!" and "I thought I was the only one who notcied that!" because it's so observational and you'll laugh so hard because of how real and truthful it is.

Selected Annoyances:

-When you forget the initial thought you were thinking of, and then stumble on to a thought far less engaging and far less interesting then the thought you were thinking of before.

-When the Photographer sais "Cheese!" and realizes that there's something he had to fix on the camera, leaving you waiting there with a frozen smile that easily fades out into a phony grin.

- Having the suspiscion that using 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner is not as effective as if you used them both individually.

- The Vulnerability you feel while sitting on a public toilet.

- When the waitress asks "Is Everything alright here?" after you've taken a big bite out of a sandwich, causing you to grunt your response.

Just to name a few...

by Anonomously Anonomous August 17, 2005

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