When you go shopping and everything in the store seems so amazing you buy tons of stuff, but when you get home you realize half of what you bought is retarded and you will never wear/use it.
Camilla: Jesus I bought so much stuff yesterday!
Emma: Damn you have some bad shopping judgment.
Camilla: Yep.
awn-wahyn shop-ing
1. the act of a person who shops online while under the influence of wine
2. the act of a person who purchases unnecessary online while under the influence of wine
Darren: Mum, why did you buy six ceramic octopus shaped mugs?
Mum: It seemed like a fine idea. I must have been onwine shopping.
Stress food shopping. When you go into the grocery store intending to buy wholesome foods like fresh vegetables, soup stock and yogurt, but you come to the register with nothing but comfort foods like pop-tarts, ice cream, and heavily sweetened cereal and soda pop. You might as well have gone to the store in your pajamas, hence, pajama shopping.
I was so disappointed in the Game of Thrones finale I found myself pajama shopping for pretzel cones and two boxes of bourbon truffle ice cream.
Stress food shopping. When you go into the grocery store intending to buy wholesome foods like fresh vegetables, soup stock and yogurt, but you come to the register with nothing but comfort foods like pop-tarts, ice cream, and heavily sweetened cereal and soda pop. You might as well have gone to the store in your pajamas, hence, pajama shopping.
I was so disappointed in the Game of Thrones finale I found myself pajama shopping for pretzel cones and two boxes of bourbon truffle ice cream.
When legs hurt,ache or tingle while shopping with a female.
Wife: What's wrong with you?
Husband: My legs are tingling and are sore.
Wife : Are you acting like you have shopping leg syndrome again?
Husband: Who's acting?
A trap of legends that has a mysterious power to attract dads, similar to the cigarette shop.
(Not to be mistaken for abandonment)
Young Gullible Dad "Don't worry son, I'm just going to get some milk"
Milk shop *laughs manically*
when something is truly sopping wet
*steps into puddle with only socks on*
"ugh... my sock is wetter than a nun in a candle shop"