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I know, right

Preppy way of saying you agree with someone, without actually sounding too smart. Native to Northern California.

Becky, "I love brunch, it's hella cool"

Sam "I know, right".

by The apple of doom July 11, 2008

68๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž

Yeah you right

An expression used to describe the accuracy of something.
Also known as, "you are correct!" or "that's accurate!"

such as:

"her hair is sooo frizzy"

"Yeah you right!"

by woahkilla13 May 20, 2010

24๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

animal rights activist

Normally a preachy, whiny person not unlike the very religious people that wander about trying to shun the extremists of their creed while painting themselves and their crusades as moral and just even if it means committing immoral acts such as dishonesty (see definition 11).
Often found on any form of media that allows them to voice themselves no matter how ignorant, hateful or repulsive the remarks they make.
Most often they are young, white teens in well off enough backgrounds that they never had to experience a lack of necessities, thus they are often very opinionated, will blindly support anyone they feel is serving the cause and will not research beyond what they feel is right (ie when they free animals sheltered in society and leave them to die trying to survive on their own).
The more extreme of the line tend to value animal life over human, unless it's themselves, and will stoop to any level to continue their "moral" crusade. There is no compromising with them, they feel they know more than everyone else, will often tout their veganism as their evidence they know more, and will shout down or coerce others through violence (See Sea Shepherd).

the only way to deal with them is to ignore them and within a short period tend to grow tired and leave as their moral crusade tends to come and go in surges much like fads.

Normal person conversing with another; "Well I cleaned my tank and fed the fish yesterday, so they should be happy"

Opinionated animal rights activist; "You should free them, fish can't live in tanks like slaves, they live better and longer in the wild"

Extremist animal rights activist; "RAM THEM!"

by menolikey March 10, 2014

50๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž

be polite, pass to the right

This is the proper direction to pass a joint/blunt/bowl/any type of marijuana smoking.

It's more polite to pass to the right don't you know.

"Come on Ike be polite, pass to the right!" Exclaimed the stoned hippy

Billy screwed up the rotation by passing to the left, what a dilweed.

Jim has got the right idea, passing that shit the right way, to the right.

Cheeze passed the blunt to his right so Tyler could hit it.

by Blunt Prospects March 10, 2010

14๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

I know right?

An arrogant idiom used by insecure people to pretend they already know whatever it is someone tells them.

Widely confused with a request for affirmation, the question "right" is an attempt to bully the other person.

The idiom demands that everyone agree that "I know" because there is nothing you can say the insecure "I know right" idiot does not already know, right?

There is a giizzly bear sneaking up behind you...

"I know right?"

I just discovered the answer to P=NP.

"I know right?"

I named my baby Mary. You are the first person I told.

"I know right?"

Your zipper is down.

"I know right?"

by Shmata Than July 6, 2017

26๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

right-wing asshole

Fascist motherfucks such as: Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin, and Bill O' Reilly

Mother fuckers
Right wing
right-wing asshole

by Henry Gordon November 12, 2013

55๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž

Civil Rights Movement

A movement during the 50s and 60s that involved the pursuance of equal treatment of blacks and whites in America. Blacks of the time period desired economic success and social acceptance among whites.

The irony is that these qualities are looked down upon by modern-day blacks, who view intelligence, wealth, success, and the ability to speak correct english as treason to their race. These very ideals that Dr. King and many others gave his life for are hated by modern-day blacks.

1960s Civil Rights Movement:

Black 1: I wish I could get a good education, get a good job, become successful, and be accepted by society.
Black 2: I hear you, man. It's what we all want and are fighting so hard for.


Black 1: Fuck school, nigga. Who need edumucation anyway?
Black 2: Yeah, fuck wanting to get a job too. We ain't need no money. That a white thing, yo.
Black 3: Well, actually, I would like to become successful and become a productive member of society.
Black 4: Drop dem Nikes before I blast ya, mothafucka!

by Truthtellerrrr February 8, 2007

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