a way of telling old people (boomers), “I don’t agree with what you’re saying but I’m too lazy to argue with your stupid ass so I’m going to say this instead ❤️“
Boomer: *being an annoying and invasive species*
Gen Z: ok boomer
Boomer or “baby boomer” Is often described as someone who was born in 146-1964. Now it is used as an insult to someone who is a normie and knows nothing meme wise
Son: dad school sucks I don’t want to go tomorrow
Dad: when I was your age
Son: ok boomer
1👍 1👎
When used as an argument against anyone other than an actual boomer, it means "I'm wrong and must stfu" in Retardese
xxx: it’s not hard to be part of the armed forces
>Inb4 super high tech bullshit
Cut the shit, it’s made to be used to by literal retards in combat, now way they aren’t built to be easily trainable as again, it’s the military
yyy: never have i once mentioned high tech shit but ok boomer
OK boomer is an internet slang phrase used, often in a humorous or ironic manner, to call out or dismiss people that are close-minded or people that don't understand your humour or point. A boomer is often described as an older person with the trouble of understanding newer culture and humour
Person1: "shows meme".
Person2: "That's not funny".
Person1: "Ok Boomer"
just is just a dead meme. You searched this up either because of 2 reasons.
1. You had a flashback to when that meme was popular and/or you had a flashback of the song
2. You are living in Yesturyear.
Person: Back in my day we didnt have ______ _________ ____
You: Ok Boomer
Calling a elderly/old person old and stupid
Mom: clean the dishes
when basic op's make everyone ruthless
OP:hey can I make you a boomer
other person: OK BOOMER