The dry heaves that occur immediately before someone is about to barf.
When I woke up pre-barfing, I immediately headed for the bathroom.
When you're singing along with the radio to a song you like, you start singing before the first verse starts. Adverse effects include but are not limited to: trying to sing loud so people don't notice, then quickly changing the station, or the disapproval of your friends. (Usually in the form of laughter.)
Sal: Ticking away the moments that make up...
Brendan: Shut the fuck up you tool, you're pre-singing
Lee: HaHaHaHaHa, faggot!
The not quite ketchup fluid that comes out before the ketchup. This can be remedied by giving the bottle a good shakin' before you squeeze.
A human squeezing a ketchup bottle onto a BBQ'd hot dogger
Human one - "Oh shoot, now my dog is covered in pre-tomats!"
Human two - "Bruh, you should have shaken the bottle, pre-tomats is the worst."
a pre-neek is what safe neeks are reffered to as.
Basically a geek with good fashion sence or a good music taste ...
the kind you cotch with at school but wouldn't be seen out with,
"did you see what Jen was wearing yesterday"
"yea she looked well good, but she's such a pre-neek .."
the act of blaming your terrible gaming skills before the game even started.
Person one:“yeah bro, I have controller drift so I’m probably going to suck.” Person 2:“Dude, stop pre-johning and just play the game.” ( The catch is that he doesn’t have controller drift and just sucks.)
Pre-Unemployment is the worst part of graduating without a job offer.