The act of eating a womens embryo without permission deliciously mixed with peas, egg and rice to create a scrumptious snack
I had some Embryo Fried Rice last night, it made my evening
A cool Asian with lots of rice stored at his house
Hey aren't you rice man dan?
A body acquired by eating rice crispy treats in Lou of a meal.
Friend: Daaayuuum she's got a great rice crispy bod
Friend 2: yea she eats rice crispies for breakfast.
the oldest know rice cake to walk this planet. father rice cake is best known for causing the world to spin on its axis.
honey its time for bed, please go pray to father rice cake.
A term used to describe a euphoric dawn. Can be transferrable across many contexts to express the wonders of life... first heard in Goa.
"Magic on the Rice Fields this morning, bit of low lying frost...but otherwise good stuff!"
The manly ejaculatory cream that fills the forbidden sock.
A synonym for sperm.
"Hey dude, mind if I borrow your socks"
"Sure just grab any pair."
"Cool.... Why does this one feel solid. What's in it?"
"Oh... That's uuhh... It's my Forbidden Rice Pudding."
"Dude this rice pudding is delicious."
"Aaaah thanks I'm glad you like it. Though I put it in a blue bowl."
"Oh what's the difference?"
"Pal, there's no easy way to say this - that bowl is for the Forbidden Rice Pudding"
Rice is a school that talk shit but can’t back it up.
Rice jr high was talk shit to Columbus volleyball team about how they trash and calling them hoes