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rock chalk

A chant made up by KU science professors back in the day. Due to the limestone, chalky rocks found near the University of Kansas campus. Also Chalk is about the only thing that rhymes with jayhawk. Used by Kansas fans during sporting events.

Rock Chalk Jayhawk Go- KU!

by Doug C January 31, 2005

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Dome Rocked

To take great trauma to the head, by either a blunt object or a projectile.

1."Dude, I just dome rocked this kid with a baseball bat."

2."I was playing Halo yesterday and this guy dome rocked me with a sniper from like a mile away!"

by Nathan Kahler January 18, 2009

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Chris Rock

Recipient of bitch slap award from Will Smith at the 2022 Oscars ceremony.

HEY! Will Smith just bitch slapped Chris Rock on stage during live TV!

by Ignatz TC March 28, 2022

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Martian rock

This is the "strongest" marijuana you can get. It is 98.2% THC. The bud starts out dipped in hash oil, then dusted with kief then rolled in CBD extract, coated in THC crystals, doused in CO2 oil, smothered in bud butter, sprinkled with green crack , dash of dank dust and given a bath in weed jello.

Amber smoked those Martian Rocks and forgot how to walk afterwords.

by Spunkirocko July 12, 2017

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rocks ass

to says something rocks ass is to say that it is glorious(good, great, grand...) in every aspect. The term can also be used when discussing the activites of homosexuals, but lets not get into detail. When using the term rocks ass never wear a backwards hat and/or a "varsity" jacket. If used correctly, "rocks ass" can be the life of any party!

Wow! This movie rocks ass!
Hoorah! Raffi rocks ass!
Wowzers! That man is an ass rocker!
HEEEEY! My new pants rock ass!
Woah! That lamp rocks ass! I absolutely have to have it!

by Fog Patrick July 3, 2006

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Rock Jizz

The act of jizzing while listening to / rocking out to hardcore music.


The act of jizzing from the pure awesomeness of playing Rock Band.

Luke: Last night I jizzed while listening to my Viking Death Metal!
Steve: Oh nice! You totally rock jizzed.

by The Jizzinator. January 6, 2009

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Old school rock of the 60's and 70's

"My Dad and Mom are going to see Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, you know, That Geezer-rock"

by Summer O' Flannigan February 21, 2009

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