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Summer roberts

Princess of the orange county

Summer roberts is selfless

Summer roberts is pretty

by Summer roberts lover November 23, 2021

Post-summer Royer

6’2 stud varsity linebacker and scary

“you think your tough now just wait for post-summer royer.”

by Royerlover June 7, 2022

Hot girl summer

When your toenails are painted white

“I love your toes! White is a great color on you

“Thanks! It’s hot girl summer

by Shielahh July 16, 2023

Taylor Swift's "Gruel Summer"

Taylor Swift's "Gruel Summer" is my parody, of her "Cruel Summer," song. Note there's, an online British site, about gruel, and someone, made a Bananarama, "Cruel Summer" parody, called "Gruel Summer. "Taylor's Swift's "Cruel Summer," sounds nothing, like this one.

Taylor Swift's "Gruel Summer" is my parody, of her "Cruel Summer." "Devils boil some mice, angels boil some rice. Eggs look so tasty, like the devil!" This is my jokes, on the lyrics: "devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes," and "he looks, so pretty, like a devil!" Why boil mice? Well devils are evil, so that's my point! The second verse, is my joke, on deviled eggs! I hope you like this joke!

by I'mcrazy August 9, 2024

Mauve Girl Summer

Think living your best life… but better. Absolutely zero fucks given. Covid? Don’t know her. Thriving? Middle name. Play pen? Second home. Lover boys for breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert. This is the ultimate peak. Often dreamed about but never achieved.

Did you see that girl last night? She’s having a mauve girl summer.

Damn, I wish I was having a mauve girl summer.

by Loverboyszn July 10, 2021

1👍 2👎

Mauve Girl Summer

Think living your best life… but better. Absolutely zero fucks given. Covid? Don’t know her. Thriving? Middle name. Play pen? Second home. Lover boys for breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert. This is the ultimate peak. Often dreamed about but never achieved.

Did you see that girl last night? She’s having a mauve girl summer.

Damn, I wish I was having a mauve girl summer.

by Loverboyszn July 10, 2021

how we coming this summer

Can usually mean having a summer fling

Hey Sammy how we coming this summer

by jack lambon February 13, 2018