When a person in Isab's (a famous YouTuber known for Bloons games) discord server (called Isab's Basement) acts like a retard, most oftentimes new members.
Basement Dweller: I think that Crossbow Master is a much better tower than The Tack Zone.
Me (not a basement dweller): Vrej, TZ has much better DPS than XBM. You obviously have Basementdweller Syndrome.
Medical slang for "Sorry Motherfucker, You're On You're Own". Used when someone has been injured so horribly, there is nothing a doctor can do.
The man was hit by a train, then flung onto the interstate, where he was hit by 6 semi trucks before rolling off the bridge into the river below, being bitten by a water snake, and getting creamed by a speed boat. After he was brought to the hospital, he was diagnosed with SMYOYO syndrome.
(N) A severe addiction of everything that involves pokemon. One affected by Pokè-Syndrome only talks about pokemon as well as buys all the merchandise. This illness is rapidly growing through people ages 6-40.
"I swear he has Pokè-Syndrome! He talked for 8 hours nonstop on the anatomy of pikachu!"
What happens to a penis-havers' brain after said penis has been accepted and allowed inside another person (orifice doesn't matter). The penis-haver then feels that they have rights and privileges to criticize various things about the penis-receiver opinions and life-choices.
Also, can describe any man that is hopelessly unable to stop mansplaining even after they've been spoken to repeatedly and at length, even with reciprocated understanding, to cease that kind of bullshit.
Sarah was having a pretty good day even with constant line of customers, until this one guy with apparent Flagpole Syndrome came in and told her how the espresso machine worked. She was rightly frustrated because Sarah has been a barista for the entire 6 years she has owned the coffee shop - especially because she used to date the guy.
Bakxjsisikdisoe syndrome is a condition used to describe someone who magically senses things with their third sense and comes up to resolve them
Person 1: "I insist that cereal is a soup!"
Person 2: "You dumb fuck! Cereal is poultry!"
Bakxjsisikdisoe: "guys pls chillax"
Person 1 and 2: "Woah bakxjsisikdisoe syndrome"
The condition of having such unrealistically high expectations of one's self that anything less than excellence is disappointing. Those with A.K.S. gravitate toward opportunities for achievement to the point of neglecting everyday life. Symptoms include violent mood swings, sore losing, sore winning, and few close relationships.
Larry seems like a nice guy, but he's got a major case of Asskickers Syndrome. Don't challenge him to any competition; he turns into a different person.
This disease starts when someone starts playing the game fortnite . The game infects like a parasite and will not stop until the player fully succumbs. This in turn will cause the user to post their usless wins that no one cares about on their snapchat stories. It also will cause the player to only talk about this game in social life making everyone hate him/her . And finally once all else has failed the user becomes a usless member of society and has nothing to do with his life accept use his mother/father ‘S credit card for usless non existant currency they call V bucks. The infected are commonly called Fortniters.
Person 1 My doctor says I have fortnite syndrome and il turn into a fortniter soon
Person 2 Ok bye never talking to you again you’re a waste of our society