a super pretty girl who others love even when she doesn't herself, and people care so much about her and would hate to lose her
Taylor Clayton is an amazing person
Plays hockey for the Boston Bruins and is sexy af.
I love Taylor Hall more than hot girls.
A boy who makes girls fall in love with them and then they have a relationship not long into their relation ship mabye 6-7 days the Ross does somthing bad
Oh I heard someone pulled a Ross Taylor the other day
He is a very tall and loving man with beautiful green eyes, he will do anything for the ones he cares about most. He is very cute with brown/blonde hair and doesn't do the greatest in school but he is very athletic. Brok's are so kind and warm hearted and if you see one you want to keep them in your life forever.
Brok Taylor is a very loving kind and caring young man.
One of the most hilarious people you'll ever meet. Brooklyn is always drop-dead gorgeous and boys usually named Colby and Austin can't help but fall for her. Girls named Brooklyn are usually attracted to American E-boys or Australian surfers. They're kind and loving and usually own a million pets that they give never-ending amounts of love to. If you date a Brooklyn you're so lucky. They definately have a guy best friend that secretly has feelings for them and they'd be an adorable couple. Guys always wanna snitch brooklyn and she deosnt realise how cute she is. In summer she basically lives at the beach and guys called Nathan and Jack love her. She's really into sea food and probably wouldnt mind dating a certain fisher.
"Damn, Brooklyn Taylor's such a babe"
"Nathan just messaged me and he's in love with Brooklyn Taylor
An unknown creature from the seas that no one knows about. He was dropped off from Port a potties and it’s an unknown thing that comes from the sea in an iceberg
Taylor Jarvis was lost at sea