The opposite of a bucket list. A number of experiences or achievements that a person hopes never to have or achieve during their lifetime.
"Getting genital herpes is the first thing on my tiger pit list"
Asian Mike, also known as "The son of Payphone".
He grabbed her like an asian tiger.
The ultimate form of fluid flowing through your veins. Only know organisms to have this is Charlie Sheen, and tigers.
Man I wish I was Charlie Sheen; with Tiger Blood I could do anything.
Derived from Charlie Sheen's rememberable interview on ABC. To have tiger blood is to live the rock-star lifestyle. It also means you're bi-winning.
Tiger blood can kill ya if not taken with drugs and hookers.
A feline bloodstream. Permits you to OD on drugs or just take shitloads and survive. See Charlie Sheen.
something Charlie sheen has alot of.
I have tiger blood bitch!!!
Drink named after the now legendary Charlie Sheen. Consists of Redbull, Grenadine, and Bacardi 151. Winning!
Dude, I'm totally going to get this chick to taste the tiger blood. Winning!