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Kentucky Plug

When you are doing her doggy style and you stick your thumb in her ass right before she cums

I was slamming against her butt cheeks, and she started to hit that high pitch squeal so I licked my thumb and gave her the ole’ Kentucky Plug and she just started shaking!

by Dilly Dilly May 21, 2021

Kentucky plug

Just as the period blood is about to exit plop your pork sword in pick her up and run to the nearest medical facility

Yo , man me and my girl just did the Kentucky plug shit was tight

by AKG notification squad May 20, 2021

Kentucky Plug

(V) The act of yeeting your thumb 3 knuckles deep into the nearest hole

Without hesitation I kentucky plugged myself in order to prevent the gerbils from escaping.

by The Rusty Shackleford May 20, 2021

Kentucky Plug

During sex, suddenly insert your thumb into the vagina, and keep pressure on this thumb placement for an extended period of time.

I gave my girl the Kentucky Plug last night, she's been begging for more ever since.

by Lee is a loser May 20, 2021

Kentucky Plug

fucking someone with your thumb

I'm going to give you the Kentucky Plug tonight.

by Paul_Gucci May 20, 2021

Kentucky Plug

Jamming your thumb up your partners ass like your life depends on it.
RIP in peace AK Jesus, he died to forgive us of our ATF sins

It was her time of the month, so I gave 'er the good ol Kentucky Plug.

by Demolition Kentucky May 20, 2021

kentucky plug

Using an appendage as a makeshift plug for puncture wounds. Generally a thumb.

Damnit Bill my .50BMG just exploded I need a Kentucky Plug! PUT YOUR DICK AWAY BILL!

by CassieKai May 20, 2021