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triple bang anal swap

When you are playing cod while fucking and get a triple wallbang while you cum

I triple bang anal swapped someone yesterday it was epic

by Triple bang anal swapper 69 January 15, 2018

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Quad R Triple L

When you Really, Really, Really, Really, Like-Like-Like someone. This would be equal to soul mate love, no higher level of affection

After one weekend with Jennifer, I knew it was Quad R Triple L

by funny tongue May 17, 2010

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Earl Butts triple play

"a tight pussy, a loose pair of shoes, and a warm place to take a shit" as defined by Earl Butts.

He was the Secretary of Agriculture and head of the committee to reelect President Richard M. Nixon. He was disparaging Afro-Americans with his comment.

Coming out of the bathroom with a big grin and wearing his favorite pair of shoes Scott said to his girlfriend with a wink "I'm on my way to getting an Earl Butts triple play today?"

by the yahoo March 1, 2013

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Triple D Lil Ma

A girl that has Triple D breast and a magnificent booty. She may be short, but she's a bad bitch!

Victoria's Secret worker: "You have an exotic look, would you like to get professionally fitted for bra size?"
Lil Ma: "Sure!"
Victoria's Secret worker: "you are a 32 DDD"
Papito:"Dang Lil Ma, I knew your breast were the best I've ever played with, but Triple Ds? From this point forward I shall call you my Triple D Lil Ma!"

by Papirrin October 5, 2018

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triple-play under the lights

Banging three different women, at different locations, in one night.

Synonyms: three-hole scamper, triple hiney, and tres coño

Dude, triple-play under the lights last night, and one was in a public bathroom.

by Billywhiteshoes November 4, 2010

North American Triple Play

When a person of North American decent is drinking alcohol from the two other regions. One is liquor the other is beer.

Dave was from the USA, he asked the bartender can I get a Labatt Blue and a shot of tequila please… Ahhhhh the “North American Triple Play” huh?! I got you bud!!

by TheCeller January 28, 2023

Triple-negative breast cancer

TNBC refers to any breast cancer that does not express the genes for the 3 most common breast cancers, namely, Estero gen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR) and HER2/neu. TNBC is more difficult to treat because most hormone therapies target one of the 3 receptors.

Triple-negative here hs a medical meaning. Triple-negative here does not mean an added negative to a double-negative.

Triple-negative breast cancer has a relapse pattern that is different from hormone-positive breast cancers.

by Waterbear March 5, 2019