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I & R

Mine💗😩. Literally mine its a person who thinks I doesnt love them more but its completely wrong, the person is caring and good to talk to and its a person who people love

Did you see I & R today?!

by Izzzyyy <3 May 25, 2021

I do not recognize the bodies in the water

Relating to SCP-2316. A reinforcing statement to remind yourself that you do not recognize the bodies in the water.

If you begin to see floating corpses in the lake that resemble someone you know or have known: Repeat the phrase “I do not recognize the bodies in the water” while leaving the site. Do not attempt to make contact or try to rescue the bodies. People that enter the lake are considered lost.

John: *sees a corpse resembling the body of a childhood friend (unaware of SCP-2316)* “Oh my god I have to save him!” *John enters the lake and is now lost*

Researcher A: *Sees the corpse of his older brother (aware of 2316)* “ I do not recognize the bodies in the water”

by Flarbsb McFarberson December 28, 2022

poo i dna

somthing someone says when they are in a reversed video idk lol scomo is a dickhead omg jk but and i rlly jking

ho did you poo i dna like wtf you idiot

by poobutbrain February 3, 2020

i have 10 fingers and 5 of them are for you

To give a handjob/fist you.

My girlfriend said "I have 10 fingers and 5 of them are for you."

by .45 J4Y January 23, 2023

i hate this generation

it means that this generation is fucked up, go study

i hate this generation fuck it.

by ilovesabrinacarpenter January 22, 2023


Dumbass highway that begins in Case grande Arizona and ends in San Diego California Bypassing The capital of Arizona Known as Phoenix

Homie just use I-8 to avoid Phoenix.

by WBAP December 1, 2021

i do plasma

When a person goes to a plasma center and donates their blood plasma. Donors usually get compensated ($30 to $100). Usually someone hurting for cash!

Fred: Why do you have a bandage on your arm?
Johnny: I do plasma bro.

by Itakespics November 15, 2020