When your wear flip flops or slides with no socks on Tuesday (if you do it it means you’re bold and don’t give a fuck what someone gotta say
*Guy wears flip flops to school*
Friend: Ayyye I see you doin toes out Tuesday
When you simply free your tits on a Thursday, let them breathe bitch.
let them breathe, Its Tits out Thursday
When your fit/swag is so great/powerful, that you look like or have an aura of a savage who's out for blood
Dude 1: Yo look at #3's drip!
Dude 2: Dear God, their drip so hard, they're out for blood!
Dude 3: (Is unaware of how much power they possess) Why are they looking at me so hard?
To not really give a shit about talking in urban language - merely wanting an understanding of it so one can snap back if necessary.
I think London is fucked up and zigged out in general
Brain freeze; to be out of information; uninformed.
I was so sloped out I left my keys and locked myself out of the house.
Slang term for "uninformed". To forget something completely.
The lady asked me about some book information from 10 years ago, I was completely sloped out.
On this day, Emily has to ask out Daniel
Stella: Did you hear it was November 2nd?
Leah: OOHH that means Emily has to ask out Daniel!!
November 2: National Emily has to ask out Daniel Day