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Group W. Bench

An amazing head shop located in New Haven, CT.

the owner of Group W. Bench is really chill

by some guy who doesn't care April 16, 2009

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George W. Bush

another term for a bedpan

Nurse, can you change Henry's dubya?

by Josh K September 12, 2004

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George W. Bush

The current President of the United States.

That's all he is, folks. For discussions about how he's evil and shit like that, go to a friggin' forum and rant over there. Political opinions are NOT definitions.

by BLARG man March 7, 2005

118๐Ÿ‘ 142๐Ÿ‘Ž

.40 S&W

The round was developed by Smith & Wesson in 1990 by shortening the casing of the very powerful 10mm Auto. Even though it's only been around for nearly two decades, it has already achieved as much popularity in the US as the 9mm and .45 Auto, which have both been around for over a century.

Basically the round was created to solve a problem that never existed. It was developed to bridge a supposed "gap" between the 9mm and .45 Auto even though both rounds have substantial power as it is. The round appeals to a certain number of semi-auto enthusiasts who are dumb enough to believe that the 9mm is a pee-shooter, yet are too intimidated by the .45 Auto, which only has slightly more recoil. Still, it is a great round for self-defense.

Know-it-all: Don't buy a 9mm for self-defense, I've heard stories of 9mm bouncing off windshields and not being able to take down raging 6' 6" hoodlums on crack. Get a .40.

Me: And can you give me an example of a .40 S&W getting the job done?

Know-it-all: Ummm...no. But 9mm is still wimpy because I said so.

by WALTHERMAN March 25, 2010

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George W. Bush

Worst pile of shit to ever run America. Well, he didn't fuck up everything, he did dodge that shoe.

Thank fucking Christ George W. Bush is out of office.

by JakeRyan277 February 26, 2015

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Rule 34-W

The term applies to the wide, and seemingly infinite range of fan fictions written about anything conceivable, ranging from icons stemmed from pop culture to fictional animals of significance, particularly found on the large online story networking site that is Wattpad.

Sarah: Tiffany, you should definitely read this new Harry Styles fanfic I wrote, sure on the surface it's like the other seven hundred and eighty thousand Fanfics but in this one Harry's blonde!!

Tiffany: Geez, Sarah, wish I could but I'm really into this fanfic where Susan Boyle is stuck in this love triangle between Stacey's Mom and Snoop Dog.
Sarah: Woah, ok? That exists?
Tiffany: Hello .. Rule 34-W, duh.

by Mang0Luver December 29, 2015

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george w bush

43rd President of the United States and was formerly the 46th Governor of the State of Texas.

"My name is George W. Bush, and I approved this message."

by steven March 1, 2005

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