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boxing out

the act of eating a girl out; going down on a woman

I was watching this porno, and out of nowhere, the black girl starts "boxing out" the Asian.

by Ben Solar System November 23, 2009

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boxing the clown

to masturbate, to jack off, to rub one out

my mom caught me "boxing the clown"!

by M.Kelly January 3, 2007

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keif box

A small wooden box, devided with a silkscreen used to seperate keif from marijuana buds.

Keith shook some weed up in his keif box before packing a bowl.

by Scooter McGrooter March 18, 2005

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clam box

pussy, box, cunt, roast beef curtains, slit

Forte says mom's have a lot of lint in their clam boxes because they are too busy to clean down there.

by John December 27, 2003

12๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

converter box

A woman who turns her boyfriends gay.

Jessica was dating Paul; however they broke up because Paul decided that he liked dudes better than chicks. Jessica is a converter box.

by winkyrules June 22, 2009

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box mover

From the software industry, a derogatory term to describe a technology reseller that doesn't add any value for the customer. Essentially, they just focus on moving boxes of product off their shelves without concern for customer service or offering expertise.

I wouldn't get too excited about that Toshiba dealer representing us. Those office equipment dealers are just box movers.

by docmgmt August 29, 2008

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Jew box

The small black leather boxes that religious jews sometimes wear on their head containing verses from the Torah written on scrolls of parchment.

You see that Jew over there with his Jew box on his head.

by Jewishbox June 30, 2012

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