Source Code


a white, Southern foodie

Paula Deen sure is one butter-slangin' eat-cracker.

by h-circumstance February 10, 2012

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Graham Cracker

Name given to a God Created Bi-racial , vibrant, intelligent, considerate black male, that has a college degree, flies airplanes, has written a book and has a US Patent, and has never acted like a stereotypical negro, always tried to better himself and loves his mother. The one calling him a graham cracker, smokes weed, drinks brown liquor, has never did shit with his life, has lived in a roach infested apt, has displayed all out jealousy, always has been that negative negro, and pretends to be a saint, buying a house with Executor of the Will money, pretending that he has done some shit. But calls the good one a Graham Cracker. Negro Please.

Hi, I have never done shit with my life and I resent you because I was my own anchor and since you have light skin, and mine is darker than yours, hey, everyone needs a scapegoat, so since you do the right things and I smoke weed and drink brown liquor, I am going to for no God Damned reason, call you a β€œGraham Cracker”.

by MetaG February 24, 2018

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Animal Cracker

it is a word used to describe a tight pussy.

Guy 1: Hey I fucked Brittany last night!
Guy 2: Sweet how was that pussy?
Guy 1: It was awesome, she had an Animal Cracker

by MoMoShaw November 9, 2017

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cracker jacks

a term used for jacking crackers.

"I just opened a box of cracker jacks and all i got was this bullshit fannypack."

"last night i went to the ballgame and I had me a 3 boxes of cracker jack, nigga you should have seen it. I got like 4 cell phones, a passport, and some paper. And from this one box i even got that bitches phone number"

by G E April 29, 2008

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Cracker Factor

It's a rating that guys give girls scaled by the amount of crackers they would tolerate them eating in bed, putting up with the inconvenience of all the crumbs.

"what's her cracker factor?"

"I wouldn't throw her out of bed for eating crackers!"

"She's alright, i would let her eat 3 crackers, then that's it, she's gone"

by jayjayuk October 19, 2009

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Cracker Jacker

a White guy/girl that jacks off

Man look at that freaking Cracker Jacker over there

by BBBBBDDD April 21, 2005

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fire crackers

Giving the boot to groupie personas who missed using unlawful computer skills to gain access to their doctor's frills, leaving a trail of bills behind.

Pplesase practice affirmative action and fire crackers.

by Hercolena Oliver May 2, 2008

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