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phat bat

to chill out, relax, take it easy

(question) you going out tonight?
(answer) no, just going to phat bat.

by pillsa February 3, 2008

Base Ball Bat

Im About To Get Hit With One HElp Lmao

Get out of my chair or ill hit u with a base ball bat

by MrMr1029 May 10, 2019

Arizona Bat Tunnel

When you hold your friend’s bare ass over the chimney of an abandoned house and kick the chimney, causing bats to evacuate from the fireplace below. This causes the bats to fly into and then thrash around wildly in your friend’s unguarded anal cavity. Lube is not recommended as it allows too many bats to enter, causing severe damage to the colon.

Yo bro, I heard Riley’s still in the ICU after that Arizona Bat Tunnel last weekend. One of the nurses said his prostate completely ruptured!

by Big Daddy Hambone May 4, 2024

Arizona Bat Tunnel

When you hold your friend’s bare ass over the chimney in an abandoned house and make enough noise that bats evacuate the building, usually resulting in the bats flying into your friend’s undefended anal cavity.

Ingredients required:
1 Abandoned chimney
1 Homie you don’t like that much
1 Metric fuckton of bats
Lube (optional, not recommended)

Yo bro, do you know if Riley’s still in the ICU after that Arizona Bat Tunnel last weekend? That cumshot must have ruptured something.

by Big Daddy Hambone April 16, 2024

Arizona Bat Tunnel

When you hold your friend’s bare ass over the chimney of an abandoned house and then kick the chimney, causing bats to evacuate from the fireplace below. This usually results in the bats flying into and then thrashing around in your friend’s undefended anal cavity. Lube is optional, but not recommended.

Yo bro, I heard Riley’s still in the ICU after that Arizona Bat Tunnel last Friday. The nurses said something about him hemorrhaging from his prostate!

by Big Daddy Hambone April 16, 2024

prostitute bat

A prostitute bat is a big sildo for prostitutes

That prostitute bat was so big, I loved shoving it up your smelly pussy.

by AKSK1LZZ April 1, 2018


One who is always found wherever the dope sack is.

Sara and I were having a great time, until she heard joe left, then she left, the sack-bat flew off

by Mackenzie Wetterstrom June 7, 2020