One who thinks they are perfectly rested and ready for another 14 day run but in reality this person needs a loooong nap due to the over use of methamphetamines but refuses. This person continues to parade ariund talking nonsence while constantly knodding off.
Mikelden is one sleepy bastard today, hes not making any sence and His eyes are wide open but hes snoring!
The act of becoming a bastard through baptism.
“B was bastardized wasn’t he?” “Yep, can’t you tell by how much of an ass he is? They Must have held him under the bastard water for a long time.”
A derogatory term used for ugly and tall people.
Brad: Hey Spencer, did you see that Bastard Spear pass by?
Spencer: Yeah man, he looked like his head was jammed in a waffle maker.
The name for a penis of a man who produces many children that he does not pay child support for.
Kris calls one of his many baby mamas and says " hey do you wanna come suck on my bastard shooter tonight?"
This is what old school dads used to call goofy bastards. People who say or do dumb shit all the time and anyone who has met them just knows they are a gophy bastard. The gophy comes from the east coast connotation because they talk funny...making them gophy know it all bastards toh! It's interchangeable with gophy betch.
Terry do you realize what a gophy bastard you are? Nobody laughs at your lame attempts at humor. Dat Terry......he a gophy bastard. And dat Jane.....she a gophy betch....she so dizzy!
A derogatory term for a trans woman.
Trans Woman: Omg I start my HRT today!