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break you down

1. removing the walls and facades we hide behind and getting a deeper understanding of that person. Deeper than that superficial level.

2. Getting someone to open up.

3. Picking apart the pieces of baggage we take with us and getting down to the real true person that lies behind all the experiences that have built a wall like a bad game of Tetris

I think we could connect if I could break you down.

I finally broke her down and she admitted she acted this way not because that is what was in her heart but because she had so many experiences that taught her this reaction

by Blondie 21 January 18, 2007

65πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

break you down

the over bearing urge to fuck someone.

"I just wanna break you down so badly"

by heather9 October 24, 2006

106πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž

break the speed limit

IN BRIEF: to act fast or be a fast ass, fail to be obedient, refuse or failing to act accordingly or behave, to violate.

PARENT #2: Don't let your daughter hang around that girl.

PARENT #1: Why? Do she break the speed limit or something?

PARENT #2: Exactly.

by Mr. Terrence L. Trezvant March 7, 2009

27πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

it's on till the break of dawn

something big is happening and it don't stop until you drop (one up from it's on like donkey kong) first used by the laid great mr Kerr)

Ross: cool, cool so it's on like donkey kong then

Steven: fuck that shit nigga it's on till the break of dawn

by brimstonebathgate December 26, 2009

27πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

break 1-9

Trucker speak. Should only be used to introduce yourself on channel 19 on Citizen's Band. For other channels, say "break 20", "break 21", etc. It's funny to hear people say break 1-9 on like channel 5 though.

Trucker1: Break 1-9.
Trucker2: 10-4.

by fizzle April 5, 2004

27πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Breaking it out to early

A personal habit, physical ability, quirkiness or bit of personal information that may be accepted even endearing if you know someone well. But can be creepy, revolting or tasteless when you just met them.

COOPERSTOWN, NYβ€”Double-jointed man Stephen Rothkowitz's first date with Lois Hiller, 30, was irrevocably derailed when the 29-year-old process server prematurely demonstrated his ability to bend his thumb all the way back to his wrist, witnesses reported Tuesday. "There seemed to be a lull in their conversation, and then he just started yanking his thumb around," said patron David Cantrall, who was seated adjacent to Rothkowitz's table at the D&R; Steakhouse. "He didn't even preface it with something like, 'Hey, guess what I can do?'" Rothkowitz was reportedly unable to salvage the evening by shooting milk out of his eye. He was breaking it out to early.
* The Onion

by viachicago October 27, 2011

10πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

breaking sea level

To take a huge dump that while resting on the bottom of the toilet is large enough to form an island

That was a great dump; I just broke sea level!

by randall December 10, 2003

15πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž