a short fat penis that is hairy and crusty.
ex. Jared Brooks and Destiny Brooks are "hairy chodes"
A chode that has been lathered in human feces then their partner licks it off sexually.
Baby Let’s do the Chocolate Chode tonight
A guy or girl who was once cool as fuck but seemingly turned into a dick smoke over night. This usually occurs for no reason.
Fuckin James used to the coolest mf ever until last month he became an overnight chode.
The slimiest hairiest juiciest little chode of all. The lease of the juicy chodes and all the chodes praise him
Kevin-hey brendon do you love the chode
Brendon-Fuck chodes
Someone who has ugly toes that look like nubs
Ew look at harriers chode toes they are disgusting
When a person has a small dick but it's extra extra large chode
Chloe: Cathal has an extra Chode that's right
The Jimmy Chose is a penis wider than it is long, or a chode, with the addition of one testicle or the birth monotestcular, with the testicle being square and the head being sharp and pointed.
Colin: Leo do you have The Jimmy Chode
Leo: No...
Jimmy: I DO