A new type of lung cancer
'That perfectly healthy child has Covid, He'll be dead in no time
First coined by Rob Guthrie of Kansas City and definition by me; a cigarette once vaped, intentionally dropped. A half smoked cigarette picked up off ground or from ash tray and smoked til gone.
There are several COVIDs in that ashtray.
An actual person
Who has been literally tortured for over
20 years.
Who has lost friends and family.
To whom he does not know.
Now he has lost his home and sanity.
Anyone could be his savior, but they choose the GAME instead.
"Hey Covid... Ashleigh Crable." 🤡
little weird huh?
as11351 whats ur ips?
Reminds me of bedsmen from jotul
The reason 2020-2021 was awful
Friend: I hate 2020
Me: must be because of Covid