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Pee Brain

You right now for searching this.

You have a pee brain

by you are reading my name January 12, 2021

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Brain Cafe

A nice little cafe where you go to get BRAIN or HEAD or blow jays. You can find Laura there with her little mouth and her beautiful kitchen. Watch out though, its nappy. She gives dome for half the price. Maybe get a coffee while your there? Why not a doughnut.. maybe two if your fat. Sit by the fire, give head!!! YAY :)

" Yo man, i'm goin to the Brain Cafe, they got dome fo free.. and i really want to see lauras kitchen .. that shit is out of CONTROL!!"

by Ray RAY! April 11, 2008

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brain invasion

When you hold someone down, cover their mouth, and blow air into their nose so that it feels as if their brain is being "invaded". Fun way people annoy their younger siblings, along the lines of the wedgie or the wet willie.

When she held me down and gave me a brain invasion my head felt like it was going to explode.

by BabyAly1 September 17, 2006

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Brain Tattoo

an image which is extremely fascinating or horrifying that you see or is envisioned from a verbal description which stays in your mind for a long time or permanently to be recalled later at an inoppurtune time.

Aagh! I just got a brain tattoo of that pot-bellied dude riding a bicycle in only a speedo, a bandana, socks and shoes. I did not need to see his vienna sausage and mini plums.

by J. Gowen May 15, 2009

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Pickle Brain

When your built like a moose getting rammed by a deer while it's being cut open by a hunter with a baby eating its insides

Shut up pickle brain.

by Pudp February 28, 2020

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Brain Scan

1) A move in which a bald head is rubbed against a woman's vagina.

2) A move in which a head is inserted into a woman's vagina.

I was going down on her and she seemed to like the stubble from my chin, so I decided it was time for a brain scan

by sethinsd July 30, 2008

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Brain Glue

when your brain crawls out of your head then this helps keep it inside your brain-case. but it must be left to dry for at least 4 hours or it will just escape again.

damn im all out of brain glue. if i dont get some soon then he'll run away again.

by toaster zombie January 21, 2009

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