Usually performed by women, spending all day shopping and carrying home all the vast bags they now own. Throw themselves in amongst them all and wave their arms and legs about to resemble an angel. Typically done due for over-exhausted excitement!
Sally spent all day shopping, carrying home 2 to the dozen of bags. Finally back home and feeling exhausted, the first thing she did on returning home is throw herself in amongst all her bags and did a shopping angel.
Mean you got style, you know how to dress yourself, trendy, adorable.
That outfit is so Shop.
Stores in a downtown area feature fru fru items like consignment clothing, art decor, etc.
our downtown area has several Etsy Shops which does not bring in many people.
A person who hates in-game cash shops, but uses it and buys only the "most necessary" things, then looks down on the persons using the store for other needs, eg. vanity stuff, custom colors and so on.
In Free-to-play games, person buys more character slots, weapon slots etc. with real money. If someone uses the same money to buy cosmetic stuff, cash shop Saints surely reminds him from that in future - many times.
"Because he thinks cash shops are a joke and he only bought stuff that is necessary for progression."