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living out of a suitcase

A ) making use of all materials required for basic survival

B) living on a shoe-string budget

Start living the American dream by living out of a suitcase definition b) if you don't want to accumulate a lot of debt early on.

by Sexydimma June 5, 2021

1👍 10👎

Mad lad living creatures respector

A mad lad that respects not only women but also men, animals and every inanimate object.

Two bros talking:

Bro 1: Hey man, I just upgraded to mad lad today.

Bro 2: O really? You suck... I'm a mad lad living creatures respector.

by MadLadLivingCreaturesRespector November 17, 2018

I'm Living My Best Life

1. During the Bachelorette season finale Rachel Lindsay, told Peter Kraus, that she made the right decision in saying goodbye to him. While sitting down with Chris Harrison, Peter apologized to Rachel for saying that a life without him would be “mediocre.” Rachel responded and told him that she’s definitely not living a mediocre life. “I’m living my best life,” she said.

2. A statement made at the end of a sentence declaring the actions you are doing are causing you to live your greatess life possible.

2a. It is a popular phrase used on young women's social media especially those who consider themselves hip and trendy.

I went to yoga this morning and had avocado toast for brunch, I'm living my best life.

by ThisIsLeo September 27, 2017

107👍 44👎

All Lives Matter

A very racist statement because only Black Lives Matter. Other races should go die and burn in hell.

Person 1:All Lives Matter
Person 2:No they don't lol you are racist.

by lolisss1 June 22, 2020

2👍 48👎

I know where you live!

If an individual wants to do bodily harm to another, he knows where to find the subject of the threat.
This phrase is commonly used in the African-American community.

Subject testifies in Court against a drug dealer. At the end of the testimony dealer sais: I know where you live! It means that his people know where to find the subject and exact their justice upon him.

by Steve Horvath June 13, 2006

84👍 38👎

living on the right side of the glory hole

The act of being in charge of one’s life while still taking chances like the man with his member through a glory hole. The preferable side of the otherwise uncomfortable 2 person act of glory hole-ing.

Doug: “Did you see Brad is opening a new topless casino downtown?

Jeff: “That guy’s really living on the right side of the glory hole man”

by Smittydidit January 1, 2023

yee yee live action nigga

when something small happens, but then a big group of black males yell this term at the same time, making a big scene.

*car slightly bumps into tree while in neutral* *big group of black males witness the event* "YEE YEE LIVE ACTION NIGGA!" says the whole crowd in unison.

by bigdicknibba295 June 16, 2018