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Fucking Magic (FM)

Fucking Magic (FM) is used somewhat in technology. This is used to describe something that works out of nowhere or breaks out of nowhere for no logical reason. The reason could be something so advance that the user doesn't understand it, it could be that it would take way to long to figure out the reason, or there is simply no logic to it.

Many times this is used when the technology person is fed up with the device and just accepts the situation with saying it's FM. You might even hear FM moment. When this is mention, this is referring to a technology working or stop working out of no where with no explainable logic behind it.

An example is if you have 5 cables and 2 monitors. All the cables work with all the monitors but 1. 1 cable simply works on 1 monitor and not the other.

While you can dig deep into what is going on to figure out the exacts. Overall, it's simply not worth it and you might not find the answer even when looking for it for weeks. So it's easier to say FM or the technology has a mind of it's own.

Person 1: How did you fix your computer?
Person 2: FM (Or Person 2: Fucking magic)
Fucking Magic (FM) can be changed out depending on the environment.

by crua9 October 17, 2018

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White Boy Magic

Term Coined by KG (a Brooklynite) to explain where his money comes from.

Its based on how a magician pulls a rabbit out of a hat, its just MAGIC!!!

"man how are your pockets always full?"-???

"White Boy Magic my dude, White Boy Magic"-KG

by $K.G$ May 1, 2012

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Puff the Magic Dragon

To smoke weed/pot/ganja and get high.
The magic dragon usually refers to the item the marijuana is being smoked in. ie- bong, joint, pipe

A bunch of friends are sitting around a campfire and about to smoke. John pulls out his pipe and bag of weed and says to the whole group " Who wants to puff the magic dragon?"

Duke William and Dutchess Kate puffed the magic dragon on their wedding night and got baked off their royal asses.

by YankeeFanatic May 14, 2011

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magic sky friend


"Mom and Dad talk about how gay marriage is a threat to family and how gay sex makes their magic sky friend Jesus cry" --Dan Savage

by Cesar Augustus October 14, 2010

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Ths magic sauce

Putting in the work when everyone else takes the day off

Man:Hey dude you gonna do your homework

Man 2:nah dude
Man:you gotta man thats putting in ths magic sauce

by Hectorbomb February 13, 2022

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devil vagina magic

The evil power of a pussy so good, it controls and lures helpless sons away from their parents.

My daughter-in-law is a wicked woman. My baby boy never comes to visit me anymore. It's that devil vagina magic, I'm telling you!

by GizmoDawn June 14, 2017

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magical dancing eye

this is a mythical condition affecting only those with the ability to bull-shit. This is sometimes brought on by a severe portion of bull-shit brew. It means when ones eye simply cannot keep still, it continues to move around as if by magic, hence the name. This also aids the keeper of the magic dancing eye to hypnotise and lure mmmmmen back to shag-pads for lattes. These dancing eye goddesses are also sometimes referred to ladies in the street but freaks in the bed.

Mmmmman 1: Hey, is she looking at you or me?
Mmmmman 2: Neither, i think you'll find that's a magical dancing eye goddess... i must be with her now!

by Beefcheese-Buggeroff April 11, 2009

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