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"Balls-deep in Groucho"

In a precarious situation; see "hairy"
My friend in college was dating (may still be) a woman with very hairy eye-brows. I nick-named her "Brows." One early morning, a friend asked where my friend who was dating "Brows" was. He was indeed in bed with her, doing the nasty probably, although we always gave him a hard time about it. I thus simply answered, "Balls-deep in Groucho." From then on it became synonomous with being in a "hairy, tight, or precarious spot"

"Dude, what happened with you at the party lastnight? I heard both of your girlfriends were there.

Yea man, I was so "balls-deep in Groucho"

by LDR November 9, 2006

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Deep Fried Meme

Mainstream nihilism.

β€œSome people say making regular memes into deep fried memes is not a real job. I disagree.”

by Γ‘utechre August 7, 2018

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deep funk

Meaning very good (feel, taste , smell, etc)

This sushi is deep funk

by Jackieboi21 August 16, 2017

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Deep urban monkey

A sex position in which you go balls deep in her ass while swinging from the bedframe chanting ooga chakka

You think my girl will let me go deep urban monkey tonight?

by Can't find this in the kama su December 13, 2019

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Deep Vaginal Drilling

When a guy sticks his penis very deep into a women’s vagina like he’s drilling a hole into the women’s vagina.

I will do some deep vaginal drilling to you, my love.

by Minecraft1238 October 25, 2018

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cutting too deep

cutting too deep is the action of cutting so deep that you cut the baby, and so you end up with a cut baby which you will lose immediately. this is very devastating and is a sin, you should never cut too deep. if you cut too deep then you'll cut the baby however comma if you don't cut deep enough you'll lose the baby.

Carl: Maggie don't you dare cut too deep, or we'll cut Judith.
Maggie: I would never cut too deep, what a sin.
Carl: I'm just saying if you cut too deep then you'll cut the baby, and so we'll end up cutting Judith.
Cutting too deep is the action of cutting so deep that you cut the baby.

by Sheriff Woody Elliot April 6, 2017

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Deep meme diving

When someone goes deep into the explore page on Instagram to find the best memes

Friend 1: Check out this quality meme.
Friend 2: How did you even find this?!?
Friend 1: I went deep meme diving.

by rbwh December 26, 2017