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Pizza [Face]

A greasy teenager who never washes their face and/or body and develops bad acne which leads to being teased and unpopularity

"Lee you fag, get out of here you pizza face"

by Tam March 17, 2004

7πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

White Pizza

A slang term used to describe male semen.

Your mom was grubbin' on my white pizza all last night.

Your grandma called me this morning and wanted me to toss her up some white pizza.

by M. Mowski July 30, 2008

13πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

Pizza Slut

somebody who works at pizzahut...not necesserly a slag/slut, can also be a nice person

Sarah is a rite pizzaslut

by Sarah Taylor July 30, 2005

25πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž


derived from "peace the fuck", used with or without the word "out" following pizza-fuck.

"Yo man, this party's whack, I think I'm gonna pizza-fuck outta this place."


"Shit man that steak was good. You wanna get some dessert or just pizza-fuck?"

by Brother Sport September 23, 2008

9πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

cheese pizza

Yummy as fuck

Cheese pizza is yummy as fuck

by brunette12 December 30, 2016

56πŸ‘ 144πŸ‘Ž

cold pizza

Another name for a going down on a girl during her period. Usually performed while extremely drunk and/or hard up for action. Related to: a big glob of cold pizza sauce dripping down your chin, you sick bastard.

It was dark but I could smell it and I could hear the crinkle of her pad... I ate the cold pizza anyway.

Once you eat cold pizza, you are a kool aid man.

I looked in the mirror and saw I had a red goatee shit I ate cold pizza last night.

by dawg2 October 20, 2006

13πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

mod pizza

Fast food pizza that pretends to be pizza by inundating what cheaply made dough there is with some sort of tomato paste and sauce with toppings after toppings after toppings with some cheese.

I ordered a pizza with sausage and extra pepperoni. When it was ready it seem to have the normal amount of sausage in the normal amount of pepperoni, So I said β€œhey where is the extra meat”? Then the employee jumped over the register and screamed β€œI got some extra meat for you” Which obviously startled me. But the employee was a girl who was pretty hot So I naturally assumed she was trying to flirt with me so I didn’t do anything as she came right over to my table. She then proceeded to put a whole log of pepperoni in my butt. She kept saying β€œgay marriage is legal now, this is allowed” It really hurt my butt hole but this β€œMod Pizza” was pretty good.

by Burglecut November 18, 2020

9πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž