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Cherry Sisters

A group of 4 on YouTube that have a group kind of like the lemon sisters


by Hahahahahhahahahahahaha HAHAHA May 26, 2021

Beat up your sister day

You've always waited for this moment but you never had the occasion, now you do

Oh where are you sisteeeer, its timeeee, today is beat up your sister day

by Martichucho August 7, 2022

Sister grippers

Tight pussy lips that grip the punisher

Man I was at this girl's house last night and she had them sister grippers

by The gripper of sister's September 21, 2023

Spiritually connected soul sisters

A cult that was found by woman by the name of Soul sister number one. Her and her assistant, Soul Sisters Number Two, created the cult to vanish evil and bring peace and harmony. The cult only accepts woman and declines any males interested. This cult’s enemy is a male by the name of The Hell of Horses Lord Jayden.

Are you a Spiritually Connected Soul Sisters?

by _m1ku_ March 9, 2021

Penis sisters

Sisters or friends that have both had sex with the same man.

Shelly and Sarah are penis sisters now that Sarah is banging John.

by Boss Panda December 29, 2022

sister papanache

someone who is very salty and sassy

Sophia was being a sister papanache when she gave me sass in homeroom this morning”

by crazycat2004 February 17, 2019

ur sister a dude

Whorse than ur mom gay or ur dad lesbian

Timi :ur mom gay
Steve:ur dad lesbian
Timi:ur sister a dude
Steve“kills himself“

by Ur sister a dude lol March 10, 2018