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A pejorative term that attempts to create a false equivalency between Joe Biden’s and Donald Trump’s supporters and/or policies.

Often used by Green Party voters to shame Democratic voters for voting against the “lesser of two evils” instead of voting for a third party candidate that has exactly zero chance of winning in the general election and thereby benefits the Republican candidate.

This phenomenon of having no conceptual understanding of how the US electoral system works in reality can be observed on various social media platforms. The purveyors of this nonsensical narrative usually sport rose emojis in their name or profile and looking through their post history, their ignorance and fallacious arguments are nearly indistinguishable from an actual Trump supporter.

“Imagine using the term ‘Blue MAGA’ unironically to try to equate the fascist right wing and the moderate left wing.”

by apathetic_ny July 16, 2022

521👍 417👎

blue screen

When your computer gets possessed by a demon eg. Bill Gates.

Somebody get a flamethrower! Bill gates has possessed my computer!!1

by 1337guy September 23, 2003

63👍 37👎

electric blue

The brightest color blue ever. its so bright it will blind your face, with its electrical properties. when someone shoots lighting balls out of thier hands, they are normally this color.
almost the same as highlighter blue. but different

whats your favorite color?
electric blue

by thespazzz April 29, 2009

16👍 6👎

Pepsi Blue

Tastes like a carbonated popsicle

Holy shit what is that?
Oh it's Pepsi Blue

by Luka December 18, 2003

60👍 35👎

Blue Bell

Blue Bell is the 14th best place to live in America according to Money Magazine(2005). Blue Bell has many nicknames including: Bsquared, B2, and "The Bell". The only stuff to do is pool hop, movies, chip and put, palermos, and the park. Home of the Bsquared Soldiers

Yo i heard the B Squared Soljas cha-chad another kid today.
Lets ask chuck if he wants to go to Palermos.

by Dan ahern August 24, 2005

70👍 42👎

blue balls

The excruciating pain felt in the balls when a girl gives you head, but doesn't finish you off.

by djdan December 29, 2003

300👍 211👎

blue thumbs

A condition that occurs due to unfininished sexting similar to the 'blue balls' phenomenon.

I got blue thumbs after losing service in the middle of a sexting session.

by airumair February 22, 2011

20👍 10👎