Source Code

Bad Actor

A bad Actor: Steven Segal

oh my god who casted this retard in the film, he cant act his way out of a paper bag.

by John Harris June 12, 2004

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Bad Horny

It is when a chick who is not good looking makes you feel horny because you are surrounded by ugly girls a lot or just are having some wierd sexual attraction to her.
Terrance created this word

Yo Jay I was bad horny last week. I coudn't help it cuz the girls are not good looking and I'm getting used to it

by TerranceM 1994 January 3, 2010

11๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

bad boy


chuck us a bad boy, eh.

by Matt Peacock June 7, 2003

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my bad

Another way to apologize or say I'm sorry.

"I got charged"
"Oh shit, my bad"
is the same as
"I got charged"
"Oh shit, I'm sorry"

by LILR1 October 14, 2008

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bad newz

When something bad happens to a dog.

Derived from Michael Vick's Bad Newz Kennels dogfighting operation.

It should be noted that emphasis needs to be placed on the z, ie; "bad newzzzzz".

5 Year Old Boy: *sniffle* My doggie got runned over by a car...

Me: That's bad newz kid. Now go watch some Pokemon or something.

by Ator February 27, 2008

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Wicked and bad

Both words have long been subverted to mean the opposite. Together they have a double opposite-negative power to express that something is extra cool and exciting.

"You wanna go see Bowie play live?"
"Yeah, wicked and bad!"

"Wanna go out for dinner on Tuesday?"
"Yeah, I'm free. Wicked and bad - see you then."

by Beliatilo November 15, 2004

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Bad Skills

'Bad skills' is a term to be used in scorn when a peer has shown a clear lack of skill during an important task. 'Bad skills' would usually be reserved for an occasion on which the accuser feels that they would have performed significantly better were they in the position of the accused.

There is absolutely no call for the phrase 'bad skills' to be used erroneously in a situation when the person in question was simply 'f-unlucky'. In these cases they are to be excused and consolation is in order.

Here are some situations where 'bad skills' could be blamed for someone's failings:

1. During the final frame of a match of wcs, one player is clearly in a position to win. He has had several red-black combinations already, and with the reds pretty well spread out, the game would appear to be in the bag. The player relaxes rather, and gets a little too over-confident. He over-hits his shot on the black, sending the cueball up the table, burying it behind the green, snookering himself: "Look, mate, that's bad skills."

2. On entering a crowded late-night bar of sorts, the choice of drinks is surveyed. A foreign lager by the name of 'Leffe' is spotted, and one person decides to give it a try. Boldly, he says "a pint of Leffe, please." He fails, however, to check the price before doing so, and is shocked to hear the reply, "that will be ยฃ4.50, please:" "Bad skills, mate."

by The T Meister April 14, 2004

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