Letting off a loud fart in a reverberating workshop at lunch causing everyone to look at you.
Someone chocko dropped in the workshop so loud it reverberated for ever .
i just dropped a pallet in the bathroom and i feel great. where is pete? he is dropping a pallet in the bathroom.
The water that splashes on your asshole when a large crap falls from the water to the water in the toilet.
"Man, my asshole is so wet, no not from being ass-raped, its from the dribble-drops that splashed on my ass."
A device used to hold together tricky fajitas in order to keep yourself clean and presentable.
Are you tired of your fajita flop?
Get the fajita no-no drop!!
Kelly and Kai watched in disgust as Sarah tried to eat a fajita without the use of her fajita no-no drop that Renee had gotten her for her birthday.
when you need to get to the bathroom ASAP or you will drop pee out of your bladder and down your legs
I gonna make a peep drop if I don't get to the ladies room now!
“send the address”
typically used when a friend of yours is at a party you want to go to or has a spot
“yo mike’s at a party, you wanna slide?”
“bet, where at? tell him to drop the addy and we can pull up”
When you drop your nuts on someone’s head.
Bro I’m gonna go on a Nut Dropping spree. Hide your sister