A nickname/alter ego of my glorious king kanye west
Cool guy: Did you hear Ye’s new song?
Lame guy: No I don’t know who that is.
An abbrevation for the greatest rapper alive Kanye West
"Ye is the greatest rapper alive"
Has many meanings:
- Ye as in an affirmative response to something
- Ye, which is Kanye West's Nickname, its roots are biblical rather than being a shortening of his own name
- etc.
It can be used as
"Ye, i bombed a hospital yesterday" or as referring to Kanye:
"Have you heard Ye's new album?"
Actually mean “tired” as in my heart is ripped in millions of pieces but I won’t tell you because it’s not like you cre
ye ( kanye west ), Best artist of the 21st century
Yo did you see (ye) is gay because he likes fish sticks