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A nickname/alter ego of my glorious king kanye west

Cool guy: Did you hear Ye’s new song?
Lame guy: No I don’t know who that is.

by FreezingFallout October 30, 2023


An abbrevation for the greatest rapper alive Kanye West

"Ye is the greatest rapper alive"

by SebastianBBD July 22, 2017


another way to sayyes

person 1: “do you want chickfila?”

person 2: “ye

by ShroomFrog July 30, 2022



Hello my name is Ye

by IM NOT ANYONE im unknown November 3, 2021


Has many meanings:
- Ye as in an affirmative response to something
- Ye, which is Kanye West's Nickname, its roots are biblical rather than being a shortening of his own name
- etc.

It can be used as

"Ye, i bombed a hospital yesterday" or as referring to Kanye:
"Have you heard Ye's new album?"

by oofiehxyz July 12, 2022


Actually mean “tired” as in my heart is ripped in millions of pieces but I won’t tell you because it’s not like you cre

P: you good?
Y: ye

by sznz.x July 5, 2023


ye ( kanye west ), Best artist of the 21st century

Yo did you see (ye) is gay because he likes fish sticks

by kanyelover2044 January 3, 2022