Source Code

Drinking Time

(n) The time which those gathered in a colloquium of good-time-having mandate to be the moment that those present should, in the spirit of raucous festivity, quaff mightily of the fermented ambrosia contained within their various fermented ambrosia vehicles.

Right now. (That is to say it is presently, at the time of reading, Drinking Time.)

by The Dictator of Dance November 12, 2009

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

jew time

When a jew is having sex but he is too cheap to actually bust a nut, so he pulls out, finds a pringles can, busts in that mofo, then takes it to the sperm bank the next day to get his dolla dolla bills.

Keith was banging his girlfriend and he was about to blow his jew sperm, so he pulled out, did a little jig, shouted "Jew Time" busted in a pringles can, then took it to the sperm bank to get paid gangsta style.

by Keith Cohen February 22, 2005

178πŸ‘ 90πŸ‘Ž

dead time

Coined by Paranormal State, dead time is the time when (apparently) spirits, ghosts, and other paranormal things are most active and apparent to the human world. Dead time is 3am.

My friend and I got so scared last night, we stayed up until dead time and we swear we heard a ghost.

by paranormal July 9, 2009

85πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

Jamaican time

When you tell someone that you are going to be somewhere at a certain time but show up hours later.

Chicken: "Dude where the fuck have you been???"

Bottle "T": "Bla bla bla, ish ish ish"

Chicken: "That's ok I knew you were going to take this long anyway dude, you run on jamaican time"

by Rick Slender November 17, 2006

39πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Adventure Time

One of the most uniquely awesome shows ever. Consists of a young teenage boy named Finn, and his dog Jake... Finn is the only known human left in the world (Until he finds this old man who ends up fixing Beemo... He is ALSO human.... SPOILERS!!) Finn and Jake go on really cool adventures, and unlike all the OTHER dumbass little kid's shows, they never get scared that often unless it's really that SCARY. Which it never is.

Finn is brave, and funny; a little quirky, but he's the kind of dude I'd definitely date.
Jake is crazy yet cool, and very daring. Luckily, he has Finn to save him at his stupid moments. But most of the time, they're both smart.

"Dude, we should watch that new episode of Adventure Time.."
"Nahh, I'm really hungry.. Haven't eaten for about a week... You know what... OH WELL.. We're watching it anyways!!"

by MarinaLover January 21, 2015

45πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

hard time

Prison-sentence, jail-time.

Murder's gonna get you 25 years hard time.

by The Djudge August 13, 2007

53πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

Demon Time

Being horny after 12 clock. Indicating to a female that you’re horny by saying β€œits demon time.”

Him: β€œIts Demon Time”
Her: What does that mean?
Him: basically the same thing hing that means β€œi’m horny” but without actually saying that.

by TOP4 May 28, 2020

88πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž