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Alpha Kappa Delta

“Classy KD Ladies”, due to their admirable values. AKD ladies keep it classy. Conservative, yet sexy; fun, yet serious; beautiful, yet modest. Most commonly found in colors green and white, they will awe you with their presence…one of the hardest sororities to get into, Kappa Delta is an envied Greek organization. Initiation into AKD is an honor. Classy and poised, yet fun and sexy. Kappa Delta leads the Greek scene on any campus…The most competitive and intense sorority to pledge for. The classiest & prettiest girls you'll ever meet, with the highest GPAs...what more can you ask for? What every guy wants and what every girl wishes she could be. They have the most philanthropies of any sorority and take pride in everything they do. The KDs are the best girls, and represent almost every part of their university. Incredibly diverse, and may look like the girl-next-door at first, but underneath sexy and fierce…If you want a true lady, go for a KD. They fight to win. Everything you could want and more…Work and play harder than any other group and look good doing it. An AKD function is the place to be…Known for being the "Beautiful People" at the most prestigious universities, KDs are socialites, Fulbrights, and more than stereotypical sorority girls—they’re hot, rich, and smart. A top sorority that is typically filled with the crazy-hot girls. They'll drink you under the table, yet still keep that fratastic class. They’re low drama, but high impact.

A popular KD quote- "You only live once, but if you live like we do, once is enough!" “Some girls are pretty, some girls just smart, but it takes a KD lady to win a fella's heart. Some girls are tan, and some girls got dough, but when you want the best looking? KD’s where you go. Girls will be girls, north, south, east, west; but ALPHA KAPPA DELTA GIRLS are definitely the best. To any guy who reads this and truly wants to know...If you have a KD lady...never let her go!” “If you’re with a KD lady, raise your hand. If you’re not….raise your standards!”

by KDLadyLove March 7, 2010

Alpha Tale

An alternate universe owned by Nyte, previously created by SHADIKAL15. Includes angst angst angst angst angst angst and abusive family

"Hey, have you heard of Alpha tale?"
"No, what is it?"
"A mother abuses her child"
"Sounds like my life"

by The Guy With Legs September 24, 2021

Alpha M.

As his completely and utterly delusional pseudonym unquestionably suggests, the dwarfed 5ft4 small turbo-manlet Aaron "Alpha M." Marino is the preposterously petite personification of manlet cope. Exceeding only at telling tall tales about protein powder and his self-evident manletism, taking steroids, giving standing blowjobs and constantly inventing new forms of manlet mathematics and guy height, Aaron "Absolute Manlet" Marino is axiomatically afflicted with such Stalinesquely severe levels of small man syndrome due to his subhumanly stunted short stature, that he is forced to regularly post mortifyingly manletism and manlet rage-induced bitterly boyish bodybuilding YouTube videos out of his manlet pit of a hobbit-hole, like the sneaky and stunted, effeminate Ewok, petite little manlet princess that he most certainly is. Perhaps Aaron "Abominable Manlet" Marino would be best advised to stop being an overcompensating, scamming Little Napoleon and to finally embrace his peculiar petiteness and inherent effeminacy by henceforth only posting baking, cooking, home decoration and yoga videos while enthusiastically submitting to a real man (manmore) and thereby accepting his ridiculous role as the sexy sissy manlet that he was always destined to be, as nature so clearly intends it?

Madison: Manlet detected. Isn't that Aaron Alpha M. "Abhorrently Minuscule" Marino being brutally squashed beneath a two-pound dumbbell over there? Maria: Who cares? Short people got nobody. Madison: Manlets rise up!

by ManletDepreciator October 3, 2024

rise of gen alpha

this is when the ipad kids will rise up and become middle schoolers and high schoolers

alice: the rise of gen alpha is about to start

bob: oh shit

by fofo the snowed one January 21, 2025