Source Code

Booty Flake

a booty flake is when you wipe your ass with toilet paper and the toilet paper gets stuck in your ass.

Oh man! I got booty flakes because I didnโ€™t wipe my ass right.

by badb123 November 8, 2018

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Booty Shot

When a woman's booty is intentionally framed in a video scene, even though it adds nothing to the plot.

Booty Shot Example 1: Camera is focused on main character and a woman walks into the scene, showing her booty before showing who the woman is.

Booty Shot Example 2: Woman gets up to walk across room, camera stays at "seated" height while the woman walks past, showing her booty.

by Elsewhere42 October 15, 2010

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booty call

a male or a female wanting sex. which results in calling the wanted gender and asking for sex with no strings attached!

Hey i was wondering would your friend care if i gave him a booty call?

by sexy_asian March 30, 2009

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Booty Email

A written request to have sex. Exactly like a booty call, but via email instead of the phone. We all know that sometimes you can't call (if your boss is near by, etc), so you issue a booty email instead.

1) Booty Email time: 4:30pm. Meet me in the janitorโ€™s closet at 5:05pm.

2) Booty Email time: 2pm. I want to come over to your place at 10pm tonight to get laid, will you be home?

by Toridragon July 29, 2006

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bootie chaser

A dude who likes bootie so much that
he stares at it like he is hypnotised.
He then chases girls till he gets all
the booty he can slam his balls on.

I'm a bootie chaser cause I like booty
and drool at the sight of booty.

by bog January 12, 2003

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Cornbread Booty

When yo girl been eatin real good. Cornbread feeds the soul and the booty

Caleb: Ayo my girl been gettin THICK.

Emma: Yo she got that cornbread booty...

by e-swizzle420blazeit June 11, 2016

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big booty

it refers to the buttocks of a person and how large it may be. depending on the tone of the person saying it, it usally means a compliment from a man to a woman and an inslut from a woman to man or woman.

"dam son that chick got a big booty!"
a man refering to another man about a woman's buttocks. (comliment)
"Look girl at Lora's big booty. It disgusting."
a woman refering to another woman about a woman's buttocks.

by darc xtasy August 18, 2003

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