Fugly, gross, disgusting, over rated
Omg that outfit is so emma pigment
She is sooooo emma pigment
can be shortened t
A girl who doesn't know why guys are such a holes
Boy on phone: Wow are you emma Rodgers?
emma rodgers on phone : yes
Boy still on phone: send me your nudes
Emma Rodgers texting back: no
Boy texting back: you are so prude
When someone has overstepped the limits of “Negative Nancy” and moved into a category all their own.
When their behaviour is unfavourable or causing adverse
“She’s so bitter”
“You mean she’s being and inimical Emma “
When someone has overstepped the limits of “Negative Nancy” and moved into a category all their own.
When their behaviour is unfavourable or causing adverse effects on your life.
“She’s so bitter”
“You mean she’s being and inimical Emma “
When someone has overstepped the limits of “Negative Nancy” and moved into a category all their own.
When their behaviour is unfavourable or causing adverse effects on your life.
“She’s so bitter”
“You mean she’s being and inimical Emma “
Emma Hipp is a sweet, energetic, dramatic girl with potential and talent. She is a hard worker and try’s her best to succeed in everything she does. She is empathetic and will stick up for you and herself. While sometimes she can get moody, needy, or annoying, you can always count on her to make you smile!
Man You know that girl Emma Hipp? She was so nice when I dropped all of my writing utensils in class and she helped me pick them all up!
Man, you know that girl named Emma Hipp? She seemed so rude and crabby this morning. She’s also kind of annoying and dramatic too.
She is like the best girl on earth! She makes a very good sister, has a lot of humor, and is a great girl... Boys adore her secretly but they don't say so. Never let her go!! Maybe she gets moody but that is a sign to leave her alone.. she'll come sprinting back to you! She is romantic and is the kindest person on earth! (Boys fight over her behind her back ;))
Boy: I secretly like Maria Emma....
His friend: Ohh that angel!! I adore her!