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Musical Imperialism

Everyone knows that guy/girl who always comes to your party and stealthily plugs in their own iPod between songs. You were bumping old school Outkast, but now you have to settle for "She Wolf" by Shakira. You shrug it off because you're winning at pong at the moment, but let's be honest, that's musical imperialism.

Josey: Hey, man, I really like this country playlist. It's totally appropriate for the setting and provides a really good vibe....wait, who the fuck just put on Ludacris?

Hal: It's Ashley. She's always stealing the stereo.

Josey: Dude! That's musical imperialism at its worst right there.

by Pablo el Diablo September 9, 2011

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evolve music

a rising southern california underground band consisting of mad cow, mix master mason, okera, and grasshopper. hip hop addicts is a group associated with evolve music. these bands make experimental hip hop, jazz, instrumental, you name it!
visit evolvemusic.org "folding spacetime since 1996"

listening to evolve music really frees your mind

by sun ra November 10, 2004

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Fanny Music

When a Dj at a night club plays music that girls like to dance to on the dance floor.

Like Poka face by lady Ga ga.

Man, it was a total sausage fest on the dance floor until Bryce told the DJ to put some Fanny Music on. Then the ladies were all over it.

by El Dicko March 1, 2009

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musical fraud

When the copyright of a once good or even mediocre song expires and a musician with absolutely no talent what-so-ever steals the best parts of that song, puts them in thier music and either claims originality, or completely ruins the original song for all who like it.

Douchebag#1: What song is this? Right Round by Flo Rida?
Douchebag#2: Yeah, I love this song! Flo Rida's such an original musician with a lot of talent.

Cool-guy: You 2 are douchebags! This song pulls such a musical fraud on Dead or Alive's "You Spin Me Right Round".

Similar circumstances for Rich Girl by Gwen Stefani and If I Were A Wealthy Man from the movie Fiddler On The Roof, etc.

by 3ATM3 December 9, 2009

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musically diverse

a person who listens to multiple genres of music from different time periods and eras

"Jake listens to Kanye West and then listens to Beethoven, he's so musically diverse."

by Amir Ali K. August 31, 2015

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Musical Crack

Music that isn't actually all that good, but is addicting. Will often get stuck in your head for weeks.

"That Fergie song has been stuck in my head for the last three days. It's such musical crack."

by NKYS.23 November 20, 2009

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Fear Music

Fear music is the collective name given to the ominous incidental music that is increasingly found in every facet of modern mass media. It is said of any electronically-driven low-bass incidental music of action, horror or suspense films and primetime TV shows about crime, murder and dismemberment, of some commercials and even of pseudo-documentaries appearing on the History Channel about any subject of a violent, mysterious or speculative nature (Nostradamus, end of times prophecies, Da Vinci, Hitler and other evil historical figures, ancient torture devices, the antichrist, natural disasters, war, terrorism, disease, etc.).

In dramas, it often drowns out dialogues and announces the violent content to follow. In pseudo-documentaries, it often accompanies ominous disclaimers such as “although nobody knows for certain” and “the viewer is free to draw his own conclusions”. It is often satirized in comedy shows making fun of bad movies such as the “Scary Movie” series or The Onion.

Critics see it as “the new soundtrack of America” and indicative of the present anxious mood of the US. It is also criticized as hack work using lazy musical clichés, cheap electronic or percussive effects and low-frequency vibrations designed to give the listener the creeps while rattling his dental fillings, without ever resorting to true musical invention. Its use and development have been variously credited to James Horner and other second rate film composers.

When I heard the fear music coming from the living room, I first assumed my wife was watching the History Channel. But it turns out she was just watching an infomercial about an insect repellent.

I’m surprised “Film Score Monthly” didn’t do a cover story on fear music yet.

by baracine April 27, 2010

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