Numbers or light numbers is when you are gaining on something easily. It can be anything like money, clout, knowledge or whatever else.
The phrase is frequently used by American Rapper Larry June to express how he is winning in life.
Jaden: Man I just made $150 in 15 min
Jordan: Thats numbers
This is the number one song in heaven
Written, of course, by the mightiest hand
All of the angels are sheep in the fold of their master
They always follow the Master and his plan
This is the number one song in heaven
Why are you hearing it now, you ask
Maybe you're closer to here than you imagine
Maybe you're closer to here than you care to be
This is the number one song in heaven
Written, of course, by the mightiest hand
All of the angels are sheep in the fold of their master
They always follow the Master and his plan
This is the number one song in heaven
Why are you hearing it now, you ask
Maybe you're closer to here than you imagine
Maybe you're closer to here than you care to be
What I call homo-sapiens addicted to abscesses.
Person 1: Are you addicted to abscesses?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: J.SON (Perfecting Excellence The Movement For The Angel Number "Three Hundred And Forty-Three")...
Man uses cock as screwdriver
Hey did you hear about the number 19 guy? Yeah he used his Cock as a screwdriver.
Sam Altman says it's not intelligence.
Hym "And he's right! The number 1 skill you need to succeed is the ability to rape your sister and get away with it! It's the ultimate skill! The no. 2 skill is the ability to steal from geniuses and the no. 3 skill is the ability to get people to lie or keep secrets for you! See, I know all the skills."
It is the act of taking a shit while holding hands with another. Person taking a number two
Wanna hold hands while we shit and call it taking a number four
Based off of the word number neighbor and it means someone who has the same phone number as you, besides the last two digits.
Gerg: Hey, Alrak, what’s your number?
Alrak: (719) 558-9013
Gerg: Hey! We’re number nerfects! Mine’s
(719): 558-9024.