Source Code

California Shower

When you and the boys are hot and sweaty after a long California day bballin so you all hop into one homie’s shower together in order to save water.

β€œY’all stink. You boys down for a California shower?”

by Ezygon November 23, 2019

Champagne Showers

the act of urinanating on somebody on than yourself for enjoyment!

doing an r.kelly "i wanna piss on you", i wanna make Champagne Showers on your face

by gaxven September 3, 2011

79πŸ‘ 139πŸ‘Ž

power shower

The act of a group of at least two people go into a community shower, turn the lights off, and masturbate at the same time. Often done in Canada.

Man, when JD told me he took a power shower the other day, I almost threw up!

by T-REX! May 19, 2004

63πŸ‘ 102πŸ‘Ž

Shower Dick

Attempted penis enlargement done by men before they get into a community shower together in which they tug and play in an attempt to make it look bigger. Kind of like puffing out the chest.

Kyle: wow bro look how big that guys cock is!!

Rob: Haha holy crap!..wait a second i saw him yesterday while he was changing in the locker room it wasnt that big..

Kyle: Your'e right man. He's got shower dick!!

by Cretonious February 13, 2011

7πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

mexican shower

A splash of Brut and a new T-shirt.

When one doesn't have enough time to shower before going to Wal-Mart they take a mexican shower.

by bucketnuts April 21, 2010

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tuna shower

an explosion of vaginal fluids in the form of a shower or geyser a.k.a. female ejaculation

I don't have to take regular showers because my girlfriend gives me a nice luke warm tuna shower every morning... it is a very balanced breakfast.

by Katie McShowers July 19, 2009

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Shower Session

To engage in a shower session means to masturbate while taking a shower. Most of those who take on a shower session sit on the shower floor while they masturbate, due to the incresed difficulty of standing masturbation. Also, many of those who engage in shower sessions commonly use moisturizing conditioner or body wash as a lubricant. Although these two products are commonly used, shampoo is not used due to its tendancy to dry out fast on the penis.

Son: "Dad, we need more conditioner."
Dad: "Why is that son?"
Son: "Because I haven't had a shower session in three days!"

by Jakeville December 30, 2011

10πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž