Source Code

Tested Positive

Having a big dick

Marty tested positive... for having a big dick

by Cheeseconeys October 18, 2022

Tested Positive

Getting positive results on a medical examination for diseases, meaning you have that disease/health problem.

Guy 1: Bro, I tested positive for HIV! I'm doomed!
Guy 2: Thankfully my HIV tests came back negative.

by DaExplosion August 28, 2023

Isolation Test

When you've spent heaps of days in iso and are itching to get out to see your mates in RL

Oh man, this isolation test is killing me. I reckon I'm about three days from breaking curfew and heading to Liam's for some chalkies.

by isobeard May 7, 2020

passed the test

In other words, you farted out da vaporous by-products of da experimental medicine dat was administered to you.

I took a big swallow of da newly-invented elixir dat da hippie-medicine guru gave me to see if it would help my stomach-bloating, and then emitted humongous clouds of sulfurous methane soon afterwards, so I guess I "passed the test" with flying colors!

by QuacksO March 1, 2020




by December 31, 2024


You want to try something out? You give it a try to see what it'll do.

I'm using this for a experiment-no rather than a definition I want to publish but I have to try to make up a definition for this first. Test!

by NrdBrodie July 14, 2022


hoi dit is test


by my poor plants April 14, 2020