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Mother fucking asshat

A douchbag, loser, mother fucker.

A lieing cheating bitch on a stick.

Your such an mother fucking asshat

by TheHairybeasts March 18, 2010

8๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

word to your mother

Dumb-ass catch phrase that Vanilla Ice used at the end of Ice Ice Baby.

Yo. Let's get out of here. Word to yo motha.

by wong August 27, 2003

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word to your mother

does not mean I fucked your mom. In fact its not even an insult in any way. Word= Respect or I agree and mother=mother land. Word to your mother translated to normal english means respect to your motherland keep a hold of your roots

person 1) Word to your mother

person 2)yeah,Word

by misconception-annihilated February 27, 2010

87๐Ÿ‘ 70๐Ÿ‘Ž

mother hubbard

not having any medical : see also bummer and medical emergency

headband: are you going to medicate?
CaliGuyMe: I'm mother hubbard I have not a thing in my cupboard.

by tetrahydroC September 9, 2011

3๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

ur mother a brother

A phrase not to be used too often. Once this is said, the world enters a vicious downfall. The most devestating thing anyone could say.

Dan: ur mother a brother
Phill: *spontaneously combusts and the whole world implodes*

by bigmassivecuntbag March 17, 2018

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Mother Fuckin' Werewolves

Something that pops into your head as you realize your driving down a creepy ass back road in the middle of nowhere with your windows rolled down on a full moon.

OMG! Mother Fuckin' Werewolves are gonna eat me!!!

by Kristyn_Paige April 3, 2010

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cunt mother weasle

an expression used by my best friend in a greyhound bus station.

she blurted out a bunch of cuss words in spannish and other languages and ended with "cunt mother weasle!"

by meowmix2005 August 2, 2006

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